Thursday, December 8, 2016

Green economy helps to reduce chronic poverty

A report by the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) confirms that the new green economy model will help to alleviate chronic poverty in many countries, while minimizing human trafficking and building natural ecosystems.

Building green economy in Vietnam:
UNEP launched a new economic strategy to secure a stable future for the Earth and called for 2% of global GDP, equivalent to $ 1,300 billion per year, to 10 key sectors.

In one report, UNEP emphasized that the world needed $ 350 billion each year for energy, $ 200 billion for transport, $ 100 billion for water and waste management and $ 134 billion for construction and travel.

UNEP estimates that investing 1.25% of global GDP in energy efficiency and renewable energy will reduce 9% of global energy demand by 2020 and 40% by 2050.

Meanwhile, the number of jobs in the energy sector will increase by 20% and the cost of fuel and capital for electricity generation will save an average of $ 760 billion between 2010 and 2050. Together with that, global greenhouse gas emissions will fall below the 450 ppm safety level by 2050 in the green economy.

$ 30 billion green economy in Vietnam:

Under the auspices of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), the Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI) has developed a national action plan for green growth in Vietnam to contribute to global sustainable development. .

The total budget for implementing the National Green Growth Strategy is about US $ 30 billion, which has raised US $ 7.52 million, of which the Belgian Government contributed US $ 6.83 million. USD 680,000 set up a fund to support green growth.

According to the Ministry of Planning and Investment, there are 17 solutions to successfully implement the green growth strategy and, most importantly, promote propaganda and raise the efficiency of energy use; Reduce energy consumption in production, transportation, trade; To step by step change the fuel structure in industrial and transportation production, such as the use of new, clean, renewable and less greenhouse gases; Reduce greenhouse gas emissions through sustainable organic agriculture by shifting livestock and crops; Re-use of agricultural by-products, afforestation to increase forest cover to 45% (in 2020).

The Strategy also mentions the solution to gradually limit the economic sectors that generate large amounts of waste or cause environmental pollution or degradation in parallel with the development of "green production" on the basis of pollution control and efficient waste management.

Hundreds of millions of people can get out of poverty:
The International Labor Organization (ILO) and the Green Initiatives Initiative (GJI) project a global shift to green economy that could create up to 60 million new jobs and hundreds of millions of people could escape poverty in the next two decades.

Achim Steiner, the United Nations Deputy Secretary-General and UNEP Director-General, said the ILO and GJI projections could also include millions more going out of poverty and thuis improving their quality of life. This improvement is not only for future generations but is also something that can be felt in the current generations.

- Khanh Ly
- Translation: Christopher
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