Green Trees sent a report to Congress about the Formosa disaster
This is a copy of the report by the Green Trees team:
For the purpose of providing Congress - the highest state power organization, the highest representative organization of the Vietnamese people -
Marine environmental impact has taken place in four central provinces since April 2016, in which, the Formosa Group (Taiwan) is considered the main culprit.
In an open letter to Congress with the report, the Green Trees team stated:
"Vietnam's current goal is to build a sustainable economic development that is tied to environmental protection and the efficient use of its resources. Therefore, the disaster of the central marine environment is a lesson to be learned. Because of that, the Green Trees team would like to request to the Congress, and relevant committees related to the report we have developed, to provide more information to the government delegates in the Second National Assembly XIV meeting.
We hope that the content of the report will help you to have more accurate, concrete and precise assessments and opinions to Parliamentary congresses in the field of environment in general and on the issue of marine environmental disasters."
- Green Trees
- Translation: Christopher
Marine environmental impact has taken place in four central provinces since April 2016, in which, the Formosa Group (Taiwan) is considered the main culprit.
In an open letter to Congress with the report, the Green Trees team stated:
"Vietnam's current goal is to build a sustainable economic development that is tied to environmental protection and the efficient use of its resources. Therefore, the disaster of the central marine environment is a lesson to be learned. Because of that, the Green Trees team would like to request to the Congress, and relevant committees related to the report we have developed, to provide more information to the government delegates in the Second National Assembly XIV meeting.
We hope that the content of the report will help you to have more accurate, concrete and precise assessments and opinions to Parliamentary congresses in the field of environment in general and on the issue of marine environmental disasters."
Các thành viên của tổ chức Green Trees
- Green Trees
- Translation: Christopher